Creating Users, Access Groups, and Privilege Groups

Use this dialog box in the  User Manager (CmUser Program) to create, delete, and change:

On the View menu, define where to perform changes:



Creates new users or specifies a user name and the corresponding Password.



Privilege Groups:

Creates new Privilege Groups, changes or deletes existing ones, or defines the members of a Privilege Group.



Access Groups:

Creates new Access Groups, modifies or deletes existing ones, or defines the members of an Access Group.


It is not necessary to save the changes because each action is immediately saved to the CmUser Database.


For newly created CmUser databases, you can enter IDs (users, Access Groups, Privilege Groups) with a maximum of 30 characters (from version 6.01 on). For existing CmUser databases, manually extend the column width of the UserID columns from 10 to 30 characters in all three tables (Cm_Users, Cm_Agroups, Cm_Pgroups).

Listing Existing Users, Privilege Groups, and Access Groups

Select the Report command for an overview of the created users, Access Groups, and Privilege Groups. In this case, Chromeleon generates a text file listing all existing links.

For more information, refer to:

 Creating New Users/Deleting or Modifying Existing Users

 Creating New Access Groups/Deleting or Modifying Existing Access Groups

 Creating New Privilege Groups/Deleting or Modifying Existing Privilege Groups